Woven Roving is a bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct roving in plain weave pattern.
——期刊摘选Mainly based on blanket back ( back ) surface, plain weave silk zoysia grass to determine.
主给是根据橡皮布不正 ( 不背 ) 不背不斜纹底布的丝缕来鉴不退.
互联网Many woven fabrics are constructed using the plain weave.
互联网Mesh full hank fewer organizations, heads of a number of long, semi - plain weave yarn or organizations.
目数少时用全绞纱组织, 目数多时, 用半绞纱或平纹组织.
互联网Our main products are: Fiberglass plain weave fly screen, Fiberglass fly screen, PVC fly screen.
主要产品有: 玻璃纤维平织窗纱, 玻璃纤维涂塑窗纱, PVC窗纱.
互联网Interesting and attractive fabrics can be obtained by utilizing the rib variation of the plain weave.
互联网Weave characteristics: plain weave , single twill weave and double twill weave.
编织及特点: 一般为平纹编织和半绞织,全绞织.
互联网Plain weave fabric cover material General selection of fine cloth.
互联网The plain weave is comparatively inexpensive to produce.
互联网In addition, some of the most durable fabrics are manufactured by the plain weave technique.
除此之外, 许多耐用织物是采用平纹组织工艺生产的.
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